South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


I just about got a photo of this poor windswept flower - another one of the Godetia - didn't realise we had white ones until today! So I wanted to have a record of it even though the poor thing looks a bit the worse for wear...!

Breezy, sunny day today. I put some washing out when I got back from church and it was dry in just over 2 hours! I sat in the garden talking on the phone to my Dad as the weather was just about warm enough. It is beginning to cool off now it's later afternoon though. Dad has had a bit of a tummy virus, nothing much, but he's found it disconcerting as he normally keeps so well. He is feeling nearly 100% again now though. We will go over and see him on Tuesday - he's found a lot of old photos in a bag too, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they are. I think he said the bag was tucked between some books and Mum must have put it there...very mysterious!

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