
By zippyhippy

Sunday walk

This morning I did a pretty hard thing, I didn't go to Sunday morning RPM with the stupendous one. I have decided to mix up my training a wee bit and swap rest days so I am going to go to early Monday morning class (with the stupendous one) instead. Two good things are that I will be training with my friends from the #teamEMC and also I get to squeeze in an evening Pump class with the marvellous one while the girls are at swimming lessons. Going to try it for a few weeks to see how I get on. Not sure if I will manage to stay away though, felt pretty guilty all morning!

As I didn't have class, I took the opportunity of going a nice long walk with the girls. partly to get them out if the house for some fresh air but also to get them out of their mum's hair got a couple of hours. Fair enjoyed it, cannot remember the last time I went for a walk just for the sake of going for a walk. A wee bonus was that I didn't have to involve myself in picking up the click and collect shopping nor did I have to put it away - result!

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