
By pattons6

I have such a fun day

I have had a great day today. I got a fright at 5am this morning, which woke me up, so daddy took me through to his and mummy's bed where I lay down, pushed mummy to the edge of the bed and fell asleep. I then slept until 8.30am. Once up we went out to another farm. This one was smaller and had a soft play area for me. Mummy was pleased as she wanted to see what I did. She has promised to take me to play in a big soft play on Friday with my friend Ruaridh. Oh I can't wait, as I had so much fun in the small one, oh boy what will the big one be like?

We then went shopping for treats for me. I have taken a liking to rice cakes, I can bite in to them and they taste great. So I got lots more and I got other new treats, special toddler ones of course, so my brother and sister can't eat them.

We also popped into see grandma and grandad. I was walking about and showing them how much I can do now. I can run and climb, oh I loved putting things inside tubs and jars. I have taken to hiding things in the fire guard. I put mummy's purse and her slippers in there today, so they were safe.

Now I am off to get my bath with daddy. I have had a huge dinner so I will need a little run around to work my dinner off. Then it's off to dance with the fairies to tell them all about my day.

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