Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


What better way to spend a wet, windy, wintry day than at the circus! The Moscow State Circus to be exact. It was amazing, some of the stuff they do is just mind boggling. And so wouldn't be allowed on TV for health and safety reasons!

At the end I noticed I'd lost my purse. Went to car to look, it wasn't there. Went back in to find a guy looking about on the floor. He asked me if I'd lost something, I said yes, my purse and he said his girlfriend had lost her purse and her phone. They were in front of us and along 2 places. We got the management to show us to the under seated areas to look and see if they'd fallen through the holes. Nothing. Hubby spoke to manager, who called police who gave us a number to call ourselves when we got home.

I did this and they were helpful but not a lot they can do. So I call and cancel bank cards and then phone rings. Police want to open a criminal file as there's been 6 more reports in the hour of same place this afternoon. So got them coming round sometime.

It's not the money (a whole £14!) or the bank cards which hadn't been used. It's the fact my driving license was there with my address on. Photos of my kids. These people can see me and where we live. Not that they probably care, just want the cash. The purse itself was worth more than the total of the contents. I feel totally violated :(

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