
Having had a battle with the website getting the photobooks' vouchers recognised the finished books arrived extremely quickly and I'm pleased with the result.
(I might blip some pages if I'm stuck for a blip one day).
One is our holidays in Bosnia (snowshoeing last year and walking this) and has a snowflake pic on the back and the other is from our trip to Shetland last year and has ponies on the back.
Was in the garden this afternoon and harvested cabbage, peas, runner beans, French beans, lettuce, rocket, chard, sorrel, nasturtium and rhubarb (plus some more sweet peas) as well as doing some tidying. I had to move the bay tree in its pot and I hope I haven't killed it as some of the roots were damaged in the process. (If it dies back a bit that's okay as it was getting very large - anyone want some bay leaves?!)

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