
By Purplepants

The Very Hungry (big, fat) Caterpillar

The weather was fab again to day all day and we spent alot of it on a beach, paddling, lying around etc on the soft white sands. We saw six other people in all tht time! I took loads of pictures.
But this little (actually big, fat in caterpillar terms) guy won the spot!
we actually saw two of them on our return, just outside the door. It was on the path and moved into the grass by the time I got the camera out. It is 6-7cm long and about 1cm wide. I have never seen such a big caterpillar outside of a zoo!
I don't know what sort of butterfly or moth it will become??
I thought it was so colourful and so whiskery!
Look at him large - his spots are PINK!
FOUND HIM ON GOOGLE - He's an Emperor Moth - they feed on heather - it figures!

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