Living Proof

I'd seen what looked like an active badger sett on my patch and was keen to verify if this was the case. I went across at sunset last night and set up my trailcam, set to video, near the sett and baited the area with peanuts. I returned at dawn to retrieve the camera. Ten out of ten for proof, but only one out of ten for camera placement. In pretty much all of the footage, the badgers were right at the bottom of, and below the frame, so it was very frustrating not to be able to see what looked like some fun antics by 2 youngsters. This is a still from one of the clips. They took a keen interest in the camera too, and at one point managed to nudge it to a jaunty angle. Oh well. I know they are there and can try again, maybe even do a stake-out. Excuse me while a go and clean the badger snot from my lens.

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