A year in Canada

By jennyoneb

Day 13 - Harley, Pennsylvania

We had a bit of a stressful journey trying to squash ourselves and our rucksacks onto the subway at rush hour (I’m sure everyone hated us) but finally managed to make it to our 9.45am coach to Philadelphia. My Godmother Diane lives in Lancaster County which is about 1.5 hours away from Philadelphia. Diane and her husband Brian came to pick us up from the station and we drove home via a restaurant for lunch. Diane and Brian live close to many Amish farms and Amish communities – it’s very rural and is very interesting to see the Amish go about their daily life (working the fields, driving a horse and buggy etc). We chilled out at their house for the rest of the day and caught up with Diane and Brian. This photo is of Harley, their cute little puggle. He is such a little character and has really taken a liking to Michael!

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