The Frog Moon

I was in my back yard this morning at 12:05 a.m. In search of the "blue" moon. The first few I took were awful. Back in the house...back to the computer. To Google.

I put in...How do you photograph the full moon? The answer came back in two forms. Tripod or hand-held. I didn't want to drag out the tripod, so I went with hand-held. Manual mode...ISO 800...aperture F8, and shutter speed 1/1000.

I also tried to hand hold the tripod specs. ISO 100...aperture F11, and shutter speed of 1/250.

Both worked OK, but I wasn't thrilled. Soooo...had to "add" a little something to the moon.

These little frogs are all over my yard. They are about a half inch long. Since I don't like to kill anything except mosquitoes and flies, it makes it tough to mow my lawn with my riding mower.

The frogs alter my mowing style. I have to slow way I can see them jump. Then I have to wait until they get out of my path. Seems funny talking to a miniature frog..."C'mon, c'mon...move it!"

Just when I start to feel bad about my mowing adjustments...I think about the frogs. Can you imagine the noise and the size of something like a riding lawnmower coming at you? Must be awful.

I did not want an episode...
of running over a wee toad.
I did not want a dialogue...
about running over a wee frog.

No frogs were hurt in the taking of their pictures.

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