Late for the Party

Bees, fish, flowers, and ducks...
Where are the dragons...where are the bucks?

A morning walk downtown landed the usual suspects...with one exception.

Are the Olympics in London finally over? Did I miss the closing ceremony? Did the queen run off with Bond...James Bond?

The one exception was...that I finally snapped a few pictures that I think would qualify for the Tallyho Olympics that were on the site of dbifulco.

I suppose that I am a day late and a dollar short. If dollars are an issue...I think a few dollars in Deb's palm might persuade her. I know she is whining talking about the price of the sugar water she is putting out to attract her hummers. Since I know I'm late...I regretfully put them on my flickr page. I was hoping to get the first 4 into the contest. (Fingers crossed.)

I was also a moment late for this bee shot. I had 3 bees on the flower, but couldn't focus fast enough. One left, and then this flier showed up.

I do translate bee and their buzzes. The one approaching is saying..."Why did you leave without me? Why didn't you wake me up? This really rattles my stinger."

The one on the thistle on the right is saying..."Act like you don't see him! Act like you don't hear him. He is such a clinger."

Busy as a bee...that is to go see...what she...would have

Click on BIG BEE to see the thissle missile. He is as mad as a hornet.

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