
By studiob

Up on the Rooftop

The end of July in Oklahoma City is usually not pretty, temperature wise that is.

Tonight it was in the mid- 80's with no humidity.

We couldn't let a night like that go to waste so we went to the rooftop of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, before I went to see the movie downstairs at the theater in the museum, Valentino: The Last Emperor.

It was a beautiful night and I ran into staff from the Museum which is always delightful, and I had the double bonus of running into two friends from school, which was really fun, one who I went from grade school to high school.

I sat with one of my fellow docents and her daughter at the movie, and then ran into two more friends after the movie. One of which is a beautiful woman that I worked with at Balliet's who was the designer sportswear buyer who had her own stories about Valentino and Andre Leon Talley from Vogue magazine.

It was fun running into friends from all different parts and times of my life, in one place, on a beautiful night in July.

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