For Dad

Today would have been my Dad's birthday. It's the second we've had without him after he passed away last year, and it's been another hard day. Mum and I spent the day as we would have done with him; in the sunshine, pottering around, listening to music. We started with a trip to the tip (!) and then had a tour round four different garden centres. We stopped for a delicious lunch in one of them, and some cake in another, but that was the only thing we achieved. We were looking for two things; a new birdtable for Mum, as hers is rotting, and a sundial to add to the little memorial spot we have in Mum's garden in memory of Dad. Nothing quite fit the bill and when we got back, Mum decided we should attempt to build/adapt her old bird table... obviously! So we spent a couple of hours constructing the base; hunting down suitable bits of wood and searching through all Dad's tools and screws. I think he'd have been despairing if he could have seen us yielding the saw, but I'd like to think he'd have been pretty happy too and proud we were getting stuck in. I think he'd have been smiling at us. We miss him so much.. he would have enjoyed today, especially the sunshine (and he would have probably finished the birdtable!).

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