A day of firsts...

Today was definitely a day of firsts, and what a glorious start to the day it was! It was Alan's first day in his new job, the first day of my gym membership, and the first doggy walk with my next door neighbour.

I dropped Alan off at work this morning and as I had time to kill before Zumba, I parked up in town and went to the Pavilion. I've blipped it before from a different angle, and this morning the sun was shining on it and it looked lovely against the blue sky - there wasn't a single cloud! It's worth taking a closer to see all the detail in the building.

After Zumba, I went for a swim and a jacuzzi, and on my way home stopped off at the supermarket - I don't know where the morning went, it was 2pm by the time I got home!

I called round to my next door neighbour Lisa to give her some apples off our tree - they're cooking apples and she enjoys baking, which I don't, so she's welcome to them. She has a dog called Lola, and later on we met up by chance in the fields at the end of our road. Louis growled a bit at Lola to start with, but within no time at all they were playing and chasing one another so we walked together. She seems very nice, and It was a great opportunity to get to know each other, as apart from seeing her briefly the day we moved in, it's the first time we've had a proper chat.

Anyway, the good news is that Alan's day went well, he likes his Boss and the other members of his team and he feels that he'll be happy there. So all in all, it's been a good day for both of us :-) I hope you've had a good start to the week too!

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