As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The First Of The "Senior Lasts"

Timmy is excited for camp.

I finished packing around 9:15 this morning and went to get Max at 9:30. We drove to Burns Park in Massapequa to board the bus that would transport us to one of my favorite places on Earth: Foundation Running Camp.

After about three hours, we arrived at the campus of Camp Pontiac, the host for FRC. We unloaded and checked in rather quickly. I was a little more than a little upset that I was only in Bunk 2, but I quickly realized how lucky I was.

My friend John from JFK chose the bed next to mine, and a bunch of my other running friends were in Bunk 2 with us. I have some awesome counselors (Butti, DeLuna, and Mark).We suited up and headed out for our last-first run of Foundation (this is my last year as a camper and I'm more upset than you can imagine).

5.7 miles and 46:48 minutes later, the run was over.

After cleaning up and eating dinner, we all made our way to the Playhouse for a little introduction and Foundation Minute to Win It. Vasu rocks.

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