Patience Paid Off.......

...I finally got a shot of the little blue crabbies coming toward me.
I got down on my haunches and waited.
Even though they are very small (about the size of a 5cent bit) to have thousands of them coming toward you is rather soldiers marching into battle.
After I got my shot I had to move so they would scurry away I had visions of a Hitchcock scene...crabs instead of crows....however I do love their little eyes on stalks though....such a strange creature.

The day was glorious sparkling turquoise water and the sky cloudless...the tide was out so we had lots of fun exploring rock pools.
The tern colony was something else...of which I took heaps of pics of but I had to post time for the terns. It was a bloody hard choice what to post today........I dithered around for ages...I think I might have to start tossing coins.

I found this from Rumi (not the dog) and thought is so appropriate for yesterdays ramblings.

“I should be suspicious of what I want.”
~Rumi (not the dog)

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