Looks nice large...

Can you believe it... I've been trying (all summer) to master two tiny beings in-flight: a hummingbird and a dragonfly. Today I got them both! I was super tempted to post the hummie, but I just know I can to better, so she's on flickr today. Also, the dragonflies have really thinned out and are harder to come by, and the hummingbirds are fairly abundant right now. I feel like I'll have more of a chance to get another crack at the hummingbird flight, where as I probably wont have many more dragon chances.

While my husband and I were hanging out on the dock today, I patiently (well, sort of) waited for a dragonfly to land on a reed near enough for a decent shot. It was a pleasant way to spent the afternoon on this nice sunny day. Eventually, one obliged and I was pretty happy with the shots I captured of it. (I posted 2 here.) My husband kept pointing out the 2 or 3 dragons that were chaising each other around... Thanks for the confidence in my abilities babe, but I'm not that good! ;) I enjoyed watching them flit and fight all over the place, but I didn't entertain the idea of getting an image of that. When... one of them started to show off (or something) for the others... right in front of me. She dipped her bum in the water and raised up, then dipped again; she did this over and over again. It took me a minute to realize that this was my chance! FOCUS Betsy! And that's when I got this one. :)) So I guess I owe the Hubs a big 'thank you' after all. I never should have admitted that in writing... ;)

I wasn't too sure about the dragon shots before I got them up on the big screen. And, well, that was a pleasant surprise. But I really didn't expect to have the hummie shot. Sometimes the big screen part of the process is a pleasant part of the process! (Not always, mind you, but today it was.)

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