The Groundsman

This blip is dedicated to Pete here, the unsung hero of Ben Rhydding Cricket Club, a tireless presence on the scene, whether it be preparing the pitch, playing for the second team, mentoring the juniors, or simply supporting from the boundary. He's one of those priceless people upon whom clubs totally rely upon to function. He also happens to be one of the very nicest people I've ever had the good fortune to meet.

I owe him a great deal for taking Roam under his wing at the club this last few years. There have been many occasions when Pete has been able to have a word with Roam when the parental voice was never going to be heard! He's been a great steadying influence both on and off the pitch and I doubt whether Roam would be half the cricketer he is now but for Pete's guidance and support. Cheers mate. You're a legend. Truly.

Roam had a bit of a coming of age today. Captaining the third team, he had to deal with a rather difficult situation when he found out today's match started an hour earlier than expected. The last four games of the season are pushed forward as the evenings start to close in, but Roam, fresh to the job, didn't know about this. He handled things very well under a lot of pressure. He also acquitted himself very well on the field. He was the only batsmen to get into double figures in scoring 21 and took both the wickets to fall, conceding only 2 runs in his 7 overs. I've never seen him bowl more accurately. It should be apparent that the rest of the team did not do so well. I think they might even have missed me this week! My youngest was frustrated at losing heavily again but I also think he's quietly rather proud of his own efforts today. I hope so. He should be.

I might have been better off playing cricket this afternoon. It's been a bitterly frustrating day at the computer, getting stuck on a problem which has so far resisted all my efforts to find a solution. I'm just not seeing it any more. I've got to come up with something for tomorrow and it looks like it's going to have to be some horrible fudge. I'm at the point where I'm past caring.

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