South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Holiday Club summary service

We had a fun service this evening at church where there was a summary of all that we had done during the week with the children's holiday club. Quite a number of the young helpers came along and we had songs from the club (which everyone joined in with) and photos and videos (which were pretty good considering most of them had been done by me on my cheap little camera!) to give people an idea of the atmosphere of some of the activities. I think it went well and the young people had a lot of fun. It's been a great week - someone said one of the best ever clubs as everyone worked together so well.

Our son has done an amazing job on the song, video and image projection for the week - no mistakes at all!! He also designed the layout of this image in the photo which was projected on the screen before we started this evening, and all the publicity posters too. Well done, Paul!

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