
By SueV

Blue Sky!

A bit late in the day but at last the skies have cleared. It was forecast showers today but it has poured down constantly. Everything is starting to dry out, sheep are bleating (they always have a bleat at this time of night) and as I write this I can hear the first owls. There is also a house full of craneflies wombling around in their unco ordinated way, buzzing me and stumbling into the lampshade. I do so hate it when they dive into your nightime waterglass. I have learnt always to put the light on now before I take a drink - panicking cranefly in your mouth is not conducive to sleep. By the way do you know that on average during sleep you swallow something like twelve spiders during your lifetime. You should see the size of the spiders in our house. Night night sleep tight.

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