Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Last day

Up early this morning to get a cab to Downtown Disney and dropped the cases off. Had a quick look around for some breakfast before heading back to the hotel to meet the others.
After a couple of cereal bars it was off to Hollywood Studio's for the last time to catch a couple of rides we hadn't done.

First up was Captain Jack Sparrow. Not really worth the wait as its just some very good projections telling a bit of a story. Very well done but not a ride.

From there it was onto the Great movie Ride. While I queued up J went to get her Mickey Pretzel she had been wanting. The ride was OK.

It was then back to the hotel for a dip in the pool before leaving the others to go to Downtown Disney for some food and to catch the bus to the airport. Pizza for dinner and then went to the buss stop.

Arriving at the buss stop 5 minute early there was no bus and no people waiting. Not good. After a few phone calls to Virgin and running late it was a dash to find a cab and get to the airport in time. After a $70 cab ride we managed to get to the departure gate with an hour or so to spare. Not the best end to the holiday but that was the only thing to go wrong and we can claim the cab fare back from Virgin.

Managed to find my sunglasses I was after at the airport and a bit cheaper than in the UK.
Boarded the flight to come home.

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