Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Disney Presents

Landed at Manchester Airport after a long flight back. Glad we had upgraded to Premium Economy for the flight back. Managed to get 5 hours sleep as well.

The cases arrived to our surprise after we missed to connecting bus at Downtown Disney. Still not sure what happened but I'm certain we were in the correct place at the right time, just the bus wasn't. After the rushed taxi to the airport and our cases being checked at the beginning of the day we weren't hopeful of seeing them.

Said goodbye to the rest of J's family and drove back. Needed to share the driving as I was starting to fall asleep just after Penrith.
Changed over again just outside Edinburgh as a comfort break was needed. Got back in the car and drove off down the road. Then had an interesting moment when I looked down to see a very large bee hitching a ride on my trousers. After a quick stop at the side of the road he was left to find his own way back to the hive.

Glad to see the flat was OK and the presents in the cases survived the flight.
Next up was a shop at Tesco’s before settling down to watch the GP from 2 weeks ago. Good race and even better for me as I have Lewis in the fantasy league at work.
Went to bed tired but looking forward tot he whisky fringe tomorrow.

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