Almost flight...

This is as close to a (generally) in-focus shot of a hummingbird in-flight as I've gotten so far. I am in need of a TON of practice and/or some advise when it comes to a free-moving/in-flight hummies. I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet. If I try manual focus... I'm never in focus. If I try auto focus... I get a few sort of shots, but never one I'd use.

Anyway, she is okay large (though, not as sharp as I'd like). To see a sharper image of her plumage, look here. Even though parts of her are soft, I liked the fact that her wings were open... So close! I'll keep trying.

On the go and on the road for the first half of the day, so I didn't get too much of a chance to test out the Beast (nickname for my new lens... that thing is awkward to carry around). ;) Tomorrow is another day...

Happy weekend everyone!

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