
Has your Blip alter ego ever asked you..."Hey...we haven't shot a turtle in a long time. How about we go find one?"

I hope not...because it's more than a little sad to go turtle hunting.

My Blip alter ego's name is Rocky. Rocky at least wanted to find a big log filled with giant snapping turtles. Didn't happen. "We" only found painted turtles and softshells.

The turtle has never been my favorite. Prehistoric looking, and NEVER a good poser, although this big boy let me get to within 6-7 feet.

I did nab a few other shots...putting them on my FLICKR PAGE. A green heron, a shot of Ray (my kayak), and more turtles.

A beautiful day. 80F (25C), mostly sunny, no wind, and no humidity. I'll take 365 days like this one.

Gotta go. Merrick (grandson) just got here for an over-nighter. His parents are going to see Kid Rock.

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