Casting a Giant Shadow big as a shadow as a bee can cast.

Remember the old days with film where you took off on a camera outing...being careful not to take too many shots? Then...after 24 or 36 either sent the film spool away, or took it to your local department store.

I know some people still like it...but...I love the digital age.

10 minutes in my back yard produced 249 pictures. I'm not a math whiz...but that's about 25 per minute. WHEW! As busy as a bee.

Slap the card into the computer...delete 225 of the pictures...and you're left with perhaps 24 good ones. Then...the fun starts.

Everything's a contest. Of the 24 like 4 or 5. You narrow it to 3...then pick one for your blip...maybe the one with the shadow.

The other 2 contenders...I put on my FLICKR PAGE. Buzz on over, and have a look.

To bee, or not to bee? It wasn't a question for's all I took.

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