
By Pleach

Another day of disappointing blips. While walking along the John Muir Way from East Linton to North Berwick I was amazed to find another relatively rare butterfly for Scotland and took several photos of the Wall butterfly but unfortunately none of them are any good. Last year Nick Morgan wrote
“Wall Browns were first recorded in East Lothian two years ago, having worked their way up the east coast of Scotland. Last year they extended their range only a few metres, but this year they seem to have moved even further up the coast. The first one I saw this year was on 25th May near the boundary with the Scottish Borders, but later in the year I received several reports of them along the next five kilometres of coast. I am hopeful that they will continue to expand their range over the next few years as there is a lot of good habitat further along the coast.”
So instead of a beautiful butterfly the blip is looking from North Berwick towards the distant Bass Rock. I don't know what the yellow boat is but hidden just behind the rock is the boat taking sightseers to view the birds and seals at Bass Rock on this sunny summer day.

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