Exit Mr McIlvanney

A close run thing today at the book festival. Aye indeed. The very wonderful William McIlvanney so it was. Introduced by the very wonderful Ruth Wishart.

Btw I know you're all busy people, but this piece by Ruth a couple of months back is well worth a bit of your time. Especially so if you only know her as a seasoned hack.

Twenty minutes in, there was a second reading. By a member of the audience. None other than oor first meenister, 'eck' Salmond. By eck indeed. Anyway all was well, until the mike was passed for questions. The first three questions were all about the bliddy independence debate. Jeesus. At this point, to overwhelming jubilation, oor Ruth closed it down and we got back to McIlvanney. Someone even shouted down 'King' eck. It briefly looked like it was getting out of control - Edinburgh?? Book Festival?? And it wasn't even 'eck's fault, as he's a genuine McIlvanney fan.

Home to pack! Whatever next? Tune in for tomorrow's instalment!

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