
Midday brought baking heat to the edge of the oasis. No noise; even the flies had ceased buzzing. Nothing moved except the shimmering air. And then i saw something. A long figure just discernible at the edge of my vision. Heading to B&Q to buy drain cleaner and a plunger. But why?
Lordy, the rubbish you can write on an iPhone. Of course it was me, played by Peter O'Toole, off to unblock the daughter's shower tray drain. And see her flat for the first time; a lovely wee top floor flat with a cute stove and lofty vantage.
Down below the escarpment I could see the fires burning where the herdsmen had gathered their flocks for the night.
My mind was already on the morn and the gathering storm. Yes, the arrival of the brats.

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