Holiday # 8 The Vyne

Today I had a lovely afternoon with one of my best friends, Kath.

We went to The Vyne, which is a National Trust property near Basingstoke. We thought it would be wet and went prepared, but actually it was just cloudy. This is not the best picture, but it shows the whole of the front of the building (the entrance for tourists is at the back) :)

Best things about today:

My friend and her partner have got a hire car for the weekend which meant I didn't have to do the driving after all :)

I had a ride on the disability transport to the house which saved too much walking, and saved my knee getting any worse :)

Inside the house, I was offered seats to sit on in a couple of the rooms (whilst waiting for Kath to look at some things she was more interested in), which was a great help and a nice rest (and I chatted with the volunteers who were very interesting to talk to).

A cup of tea and some tasty cake was very welcome by the time we'd gone around the ground floor :)

Unfortunately, I discovered I couldn't get upstairs there anymore because there is no rail, and I need a rail to hold onto to go up/down stairs since the last time we visited quite a few years ago :( Apparently. they have asked if they can install a rail and have been told no! It doesn't just affect me, but of course anyone that cannot go upstairs easily... It is, however, also still a private property and people are living there!

Billy welcomed me home with a dead frog on the doorstep tonight (so glad that it wasn't indoors), its the first one I have ever seen around here thankfully!

A collage of flowers I photographed is here in flickr with a few other picture :)

Now I'm just about to watch Celebrity Masterchef, then I think it will be an early night as tomorrow will be a busy day at home, getting organised for several boxes to be walked through the house into my loft!

Happy Friday folks, hope you all have a great weekend :)

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