
The camera on my phone is really rubbish now! This is meant to show the classy chandelier in Liverpool Street Weatherspoons protected from falls by some blue netting whilst they do work. Instead it's a bit of a hazy mess.

Anyway, today was a mixed bag as I was feeling very strange. Let's do the good things first; In the office on my own, I was joined for an hour and a half *ahem* by Clare which was definitely the highlight of the working day! Luckily, I'd had a super-productive morning. I then briefly met up with a couple of old friends in the pub after work for a speedy catch up and two lemonades. Unfortunately I could only stay for an hour as I'd been feeling really weird all day- dizzy, hot, achey and nauseous. I'm hoping that an early night and lots of Lemsips will banish whatever might be lurking. I guess on the plus-side it might help to explain my difficult run yesterday!

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