Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Caution - Teenager Approaching

In 3 days time. If you can't read the label just zoom in using the magnifying glass symbol or simply pressing the letter L on your keyboard :-)

Smells like teen spirit but actually it's just Jack's feet.

Jack is the youngest member of my extended family (my own children, nephews and nieces) and therefore, his becoming a teen represents a kind of milestone for us adults. We are definitely getting old. I feel I'm ready for grandchildren now god help me. I guess I want to be young enough to enjoy them and to live long enough to see them grow up. So, should any of my offspring read this, what are you waiting for?

I think Jack weighs in at around 9 1/2 stone. He is just big, not fat. He leads a very active lifestyle, so no issues there unlike many young people today. I mention this only because I recall going for my medical at 16 before starting my apprenticeship. The guy set the scales to start at 8 stone and invited me to stand on them. They didn't move. He had to adjust them downwards and I think I weighed around 7 1/2 stone. I know I was pretty small (height and build) but I do think children today are getting taller. When will it stop? Will we become a race of giants or will we reach the point where our bodies are too tall in relation to their width and just sort of buckle if we try to stand up?

On holiday for a week now so it will be back to phone pics of scenery. Hurrah I hear Matthew say

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