
As I mentioned last weekend, two of Mr H's brothers and their families have visited this week. Their children are much younger than ours so its lovely to see them and be able to give them a seaside holiday ! On Monday we heard from Mr H's cousin and his wife - they are staying nearby can we meet up ?! Absolutely we said and arranged to have a fish and chip supper on the beach this evening. As it was a bit cool we opted for the warmer option of a seaside restaurant, where they hardly turned a hair when we asked for a table for 12 !
Here is a montage of fun filled fish and chip eating family ! After this someone suggested we visit the amusement arcade where we lost more 2p's than we won ! A lovely happy evening !
Top left - happy families. Top right - the happy family taken from outside. Bottom left - brother in law Matt and wife Lisa and Bottom right - cousin Andrew and wife Nadine discussing the finer points of eating in Lyme!

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