They did it for 'us'

Today we were heading to Luxembourg but in no it was via Iper (Ypres) in Belgium to take time to reflect and learn about what happened in WW1.

Being a History student I need little encouragement to take in these places but the challenge is to engage the children and get them to understand.

The museum in Iper was incredible, one if the best I've ever been to, with fantastic use of actors in video clips retelling different aspects of the war.

We followed that up at Tyne Cot which was so moving especially perhaps for me the New Zealand section, ANZAC is a big thing with us.

Now we are back in the moment, enjoying a late dinner...while perhaps each one if us thinking just a little about what so many before us did for us...

The girls in a window taking a moment in the museum. Sienna made me smile today when she asked why there was a World War 2 when there is only one world!!!

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