Festival Madness

The madness that is Edinburgh at Festival Time.

Sporting our cycling toned legs, we decided to ride away from town to the Land of Flowers at Gilmerton this morning, thereby rediscovering the joy of roads that befit a third world country; potholes, random tarmac patchings, uneven surfaces, manhole covers seemingly dedicated to the inside lane and cycling lanes which act as car parks.

While the obstacles are more easily managed while climbing hills, they present more of a hazard when freewheeling down them with traffic thundering past.
Still it was a pleasure to get a little exercise after a few days of inertia.

Remind me that if I need to go into the city centre during the Festival, I should do it before 10am. Forget the bike ride and get the commute in before the tourists open their peepers.
Fighting one's way along GeorgeIV bridge and down the Mound to Princes Street is enough to make a sane person go mad.
Philistine that I am, I can't believe any Festival attraction is worth the angst of negotiating a path through the hordes swarming round the city centre.

The thought of returning home with two bags of shopping was enough to propel me on to a bus, affording me the luxury of space and a seat while it crawled back through the crowds.

His Lordship has read this mini rant and uttered the immortal words, 'Och wheesht and get oan wae it!

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