up from the depths

After a wander in the morning through what I hoped would be rain but which was reduced to mere humidity, a read of the newspaper, a long-delayed wedding-picture-editing session after which I was finally able to start uploading some of them to Flickr for relatives to start choosing which they'd like printed, a trundle to work to deposit next week's clothes and swap my sandals for the trainers which were too wet to wear on Friday afternoon, a coffee and muffin, another short wander, a sit on a bench in the meadows with a wife, another faster wander, a bump into David77 and one of his new blipper-relative acolytes near his Edinburgh HQ (on their way home from wherever they'd been heading when captured), a run and some food I popped back out to meet David again in order to stand beneath a drip in the middle of the Innocent Railway tunnel whilst he borrowed my tripod. Despite having not been down the Water of Leith until last Friday he did say he remembered the tunnel and old railway path from his youth, though whether he's seen the other two decent tunnels remains to be seen; there might be time to visit them before he leaves for a bit of variety and different-coloured mud.

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