Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Busy buzzy bee blip :)

I do love a bit of alliteration!

I've long been an admirer of other peoples bee blips so I thought I'd try for one of my own today :o) And it makes a bit of a difference from the many sunsets I've been blipping recently, lol.

Although, of course I couldn't resist going out and snapping when I noticed all the pretty clouds and cool lights this evening! Well....if its going to be this gorgeous right on my doorstep what am I supposed to do?!

So, my other possible blips today were taken at 9.30pm on Swordale, One on this side of the road and one of the other side of the road! Its funny how you can stand in one place and get two really different views and lights.

Mum and I had to be at the Eastgate Centre in Inverness early this morning to drop off our paintings. However one of mine was rejected because it had string on the back to hang it instead of 'cord or wire', (I swear the sourfaced old biddy who informed me of this took a special delight in saying 'rejected!', a little frisson of excitment passed through her. It was possibly the only time she actually smiled.) so we then had to race around Inverness looking for cord, which is no mean feat in Snecky on a sunday morning! Managed to get some wire at a DIY place, then back into the centre to fix it and get me registered.

A strong cuppa tea and a scone + jam from M&S was necessary afterwards.

The rest of the day was most uneventful and involved me spending a lot of time in bed or staring into space and trying not to think about how enormous and painful the glands in my neck are just now and how much my ears hurt! So tired at the moment - I know I always am anyway, but even more so just now, I think I'm just having an icky few days and hopefully I'll be back to my normal level of crapness soon!
At least its good that its happened while I'm staying with my folks and I can be fed and ferried around for free, plus I have my furry friend Felix. (do you see what I did there? More alliteration! ahhh...)

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