Phone Photo Rookie

By JennyT


This is not an extraordinary photo, but it's subject is quite.

For fun, I put on my wide angle lens today. Haven't used it in a long time. Packed the camera on a trip to the capitol this evening, hoping to find a nice sunflower field or the like on the way home. Too bad I forgot to install my memory card.

So, this shot of my boy attempting to hop to the sofa will have to do.

Today he helped me dust the stairwell (he was quite good with the wool duster) and put away the groceries. He calls mozzarella "lobsterella." He also became proficient at opening the refrigerator and freezer by himself. Everything is about doing it himself these days. Except maybe pulling his underwear on. He tells me, "I'm not big, I'm little." Does it for his dad though.

In a few short weeks, he will be starting Montessori school. We think he'll be fine, but he's pretty young, so we'll see how it all goes. A big transition for us all.

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