
By Houseonahill6

I like riding golf balls.

It was great to see so many under 14's taking part in the Scottish Boys & Girls u-14 open stroke play Championship at Rosemarkie and Fortrose golf course.These young lads were about to take a shot on the 9th called The Ness-205 yards-par 3. They had a nice swing but I do nt know how they are able to see the ball. It soon disappears from my eyesight.
The course is celebrating it's 125th anniversary although there is documentary evidence that golf was played here in 1702. The course was redesigned in 1932 by 5 time open champion James Braid.
It has quite a history being used for practise in preparation for the D-DAY landings.The golf course also played an instrumental part in the composition of the famous 'colonel Bogey' march shortly before the 1st world war. Officers from Fort George would often catch a boat across to have a game. Bandmaster Ricketts often partnered his Colonel when 'bogey' was regarded as par for each hole.When another golfer whistled at them to gain their attention the notes stayed in his mind and formed the opening bar in the piece of music.
My son was an apprentice Green keeper here for 3 years so knows the course well. It was an early start but the golf course always looks good as a lot of effort is put in to it and I should imagine it's quite a hard course to look after and a hard course to play especially if there's a stong wind playing up the Glen.
When looking for a song I came across this funny one, hope you like it, it made me smile. There's words so you can sing along too.See here.

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