
By Thepainterswife

Thinking of you.......

Monday...dull and cool.

Office work this morning.

Went for a walk in the valley after lunch, wanted to get a photo of these Daffodil buds coming up, they are special to me.

I call them 'Julies Daffodils".

She was a dear friend of mine , who has a daughter younger than Ella,and passed away 4 years ago from breast cancer.

She lived up this street, here near where I live, and she was forever wanting to do things for others. She thought this grass patch was crying out for Daffodils , and so she persuaded the Council to help her fund the planting of hundreds of bulbs so that the locals could enjoy them each Spring.
She never got to see them in their full bloom, but just as she imagined all her friends do, and I for one have tears in my eyes when I see those green leaves pop out of the ground each year.

I will get another photo in a couple of weeks when the Daff's are in full bloom , it is will be lovely then.

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