Fat Rascal

I had a trip out to Harrogate today. I like travelling by train, but the fares structure, which was supposedly simplified a few years ago, drives me mad. I discovered a while back, through the use of logic and research, that a day return from Sheffield to Harrogate is several ££s more expensive than the total cost of a day return from Sheffield to Leeds and a day return from Leeds to Harrogate. There is only one reasonable way to get there, so the journey is identical, regardless of which ticket you buy. Barmy!
I had an enjoyable day, but did not get there early enough to go into the legendary Betty's Tea Rooms without having to join a lengthy queue which quickly develops round the block, especially on a Saturday during the holiday season, but I did at least go into the shop to buy 2 Fat Rascals, one of which Pete and I shared when I got home (a whole one each would have spoiled our tea). To call a fat rascal a scone is a bit like calling Beethoven's Ode to Joy a tune (The esoteric connection between Harrogate, Ode to Joy and the quaffers of an apple-based beverage will not, I hope be lost on my friend Jackie and her son Jim). One Fat Rascal left to share tomorrow.
For anyone who is confused by the terms Betty's Tea Rooms and Fat Rascal, I suggest you pay a visit to North Yorkshire at your earliest convenience, and do a little bit of research.

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