Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Travelling blip...

A new toy I got recently was the USB dongle. This shot is taken on the train from Glasgow to Edinburgh. It was great fun being able to access and look at all your blips while on the move...

I'm afraid it doesn't make a very exciting picture but it's been a kind of busy day. I got another job application off - done a little bit too last minute and realised that I had made some quite bad mistakes in the dates. Ah well... I'm pretty good at them generally but I always find it a painful process... bit like pulling teeth...

I am now in the duck's nest and have had a lovely meal. We have a few social events in the coming weekends to look forward to and a nice weekend where we do whatever we like this weekend. No doubt that means we'll be out we'll be off looking for blips if we get any space between raindrops.

I've posted a lot of shots to Flickr. One from Wednesday and the rest from my wander with Tonto. Here are a couple of my favourites:

Ever wondered what happens to retired guide dogs?

Balloon man

Charity guy blipped

Break dancer 1

Break dancer 2

Have a great weekend blippers!

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