A busy start to the day - after a restless night waking and checking the time every hour for fear of sleeping in (missing a flight I was taking would be bad enough but making someone else miss a flight would be worse) - and a fond farewell to our pals, heading off on their tour of European blippers. We will see them again next week in Spain, so it was definitely more of an 'au revoir' than a goodbye.
Once the airport run and a bit of shopping was out of the way, and enlivened by singing along really loud to CDs on the way home from the airport (had to keep myself awake...) it was a relief to see that the kids had barely moved from the living room floor and were *still* mainlining Doctor Who. Some plum washing, sorting, replenishing (from the tree) and chopping and the Russian plum liqueur is steeping nicely.... (It'll be ready in October if anyone's planning a visit.)
The rest of the middle of the day was a blur of inactivity... mostly sofa based with eyes shut. Napping done, some strange urge made me clean the oven. Misreading the instructions on the tin had me cursing the cleaner's inefficacy until I realised my mistake. It has another chance on the overnight soak or I'm chucking it out.
An evening wander around the garden in some pleasantly golden light found me in front of the parsley seeds. Can I eat them or use them for something other than making new parsley plants? Seems a shame to waste them. The cool weather continues - I don't think it got above 27 or so today. Much nicer. More of this please. My leeks are delighted.
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