Keeping watch

After an early morning rain shower, the sun soon came out and Louis enjoyed playing in his garden - fortunately Monty was nowhere to be seen, and I wonder if the issue with Louis last night has put him off venturing into our garden. There's been no sign of the squirrel either, but of course there are lots of Seagulls, and I took this picture just as Louis noticed them. I love the expression on his face :-)

In other news today, we're now connected to the internet, and I've been to have a look round the David Lloyd gym at Brighton Marina. It's a great place and they have loads of classes plus a huge gym overlooking the sea, together with an indoor swimming pool. I'm probably going to join, but I'm going to go for a free trial Zumba class on Monday morning to see what I think of it. Other than that, we're still emptying boxes, but we've achieved a lot in the week since we moved, so tomorrow we're going to have a day off.

Anyway, it's the start of the weekend - hope you have a good one!

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