Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Home sweet home

I've always had a fascination with scrapyards. From my early foraging days I've delighted in raking around abandoned vehicles in hedgerows, building sites, woods, in fact anywhere where I might find something that other people have abandoned as useless.

I spent many holidays in the 90's searching out 'stuff' in American scrapyards around North Carolina (Charlotte), South Carolina (Rock Hill) and Nashville (Tenessee). All places where I have friends who share a common interest in NASCAR Racing and country music. I have to add that MrsDB was not impressed by the scrapyard 'fix' and often stayed at home in the UK. Hard to accept but I got over it.

The above is my take on a 1960's UK scrapyard. They've all mainly gone now, H&S and all that regulatory botheration has slowly closed them down. The only one I know of like the above now is a site in a quarry in a remote wood outside of Penrith. It's completely hidden from the road and Google Earth.

I still look for old sites but not in the UK. Australia is still rich with pickings and Google Earth is marvellous for searching them out. You only have to take a look down on Coober Peedy or Lightning Ridge and you'll spot all sorts of wonderful abandonment amongst the bush, dirt and hills.

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