Tree Fellers
I expect everyone knows the Irish joke about Paddy and his mate Mick. They were looking for jobs and saw an advertisement for 'Tree Fellers needed'. Paddy said "We should apply for that", and Mick replied "Wouldn't be any good for us, ders only the two of us".
I sent an email to Gloucester City Council telling them that two trees, over the wall from our garden, had sustained damage during the storms earlier in the year. Both Elaeagnus and Goat Willow trees were split, near the base and branches further up.
The tree officer came out (only one of them) and said that the land, a raised bed running along the other side of our garden wall, was not City land, it comes under Highways so it's County Council.
Long story short - County Council said it's not theirs, the tiny bit of land was never adopted from the developers.
We bought this house, new, nearly 30 years ago, I doubt the 'developers' (Beazer Homes) would want to take responsibility for storm damaged trees!
We decided we'd have to do something about them because one of the Goat Willow trunks was hanging, dangerously, over the wall in our direction.
We started by cutting out the Elaeagnus that was making it difficult to get to the damaged areas, and then we started on the trunks, as far up as I could reach standing on the wall.
Had a couple of scary moments when branches were released from whatever was supporting them but we managed with my excellent, electric powered 'Reciprocal Saw'. For smaller stuff I have rachet Secateurs.
We've got a large pile of tree debris on the lawn and I think most of it will go over the wall but a tip run will be on the cards for some of it I think, maybe two tip runs!
Got some more sawing to do tomorrow but it's not going to be so dangerous.
Top left photograph is what it looked like before we started.
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