Hello Lovely Blippers
I don’t suppose you expected to see some of the silly Saturday gang on a Tuesday but Mrs HCB was going in to see Kate at Leightons – and I thought that I should go with her and take two of our new members to show them the ropes in there. Well, you know we always have a good time and they always make us so welcome so I thought why not?
After visiting the optician last week Gill, the lovely lady she saw suggested that varifocals might be the way to go because Mrs HCB had explained that she was getting fed up with putting glasses on and off not only for reading but also for chopping vegetables. She did tell Gill she has very sharp knives and was worried that if she didn’t wear glasses to do the chopping, she might suddenly find part of her finger in with the stirfry – yuck!!
Anyway, we were greeted by Seb and Lauren, who said we could have a good look around. I showed Zappi and Wilberry all the glasses - or should I say spectacles - and then we all tried some on - we thought we looked quite fetching!
Then Lauren said that she would measure me and see if my glasses were the right size, which is why she looks as if she is poking a finger in her own eye! That is really silly though and even though it's not Silly Saturday, even Admirer would have giggled at that.
Kate, who is the Manager, but is just as dotty as the rest of the staff - but perhaps we shouldn't say that - then came out and chatted to Mrs. HCB. She said she had been in a Marketing Meeting, but we think she was probably snaffling some biscuits in the office with the door closed - we know what they're like! You can see all the cases in front of Kate, because Mrs HCB wanted to use some old frames to save some money - always a good thing to do at the moment! Anyway, she sorted out the financial side of things and said because Mrs. HCB had had varifocals before, she didn't even need to poke herself in the eye while she measured her!
The last shot shows us in front of a very colourful poster and if they really want to know how they did, then we would give them all 5 STARS!
We do love going into Leightons, and of course, I am named after them - so it is always a very special visit for me. In fact, we are going back tomorrow, because Mr. HCB is having a hearing test and checkup with Adam - so I wonder if they will take any of us tomorrow?
Mrs. HCB says she may not be able to comment much this evening as they are going out to their Home Group - but she will catch up with you soon.
Take care and remember, even though it's not Silly Saturday, you can STILL BE KIND to everyone you meet!
Love to you all from Leighton, Zappi and Wilberry xxx
P.S. One of Mrs HCB’s special friends, Louise, has joined Blip - HOORAY! Please go and visit her journal - it’s called PicturesbyLou - and give her some encouragement. Thank you - that would be VERY KIND!
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