Mr. HCB has earned not one, but two Brownie points today - one for taking me to Jack’s this morning where I enjoyed a coffee and two pieces of toast, and the other for remembering an important date:

The conversation went something like this:

“Do you know what day it is today?”
“Yes, I know that, but what’s the importance of this day?”
“How should I know?”
“Well, just think!”
Ah, got it - it’s the anniversary of the day we got engaged!”
“Well done, I will make you a lovely meal this evening!”

So we got engaged 57 years ago today!

I saw this chair in “Oink” a specialist shop opposite Jack’s - and rather liked it - so here it is for Mono Monday - I realise the actual chair isn’t a cylinder, but as clever Mr. HCB pointed out, “Well, the legs are cylindrical!”  

Just prior to crossing the road to get this shot, I popped into the nearby Post Office and wonder if Royal Mail is trying to tell us something - see my extra - we realise that the post is taking rather a long time, but 9 months today being Christmas Day - surely it shouldn’t take that long!  

Thank you all, once again, for your kindness - I am feeling much more myself - Mr. HCB says he can tell, I’m arguing with him when he tells me to rest!  M xx 

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