..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

High Pike

It was a fine day in Penrith on Sunday, we did some jobs around the house and did some garden planning including ordering a shed.
It looked like we might have a decent sunset so decided to have a go up on to High Pike from Heskett Newmarket area. 
A 30min drive to our start point and we were reminded that High Pike and the northern fells have a weather system all to themselves.
About 2 miles to the summit and 1000ft of ascent, Jess ran it, I walked the best I could keeping an eye on my HR. 
The clag increased and temperature dropped as we ascended. This is Jess at the summit turning around to come back to me on one of her "run backs".
The descent was much quicker, Jess went for it while I marched down with a sort of a lunging technique which I am living to regret 2 days later, it's a while since I have had some DOMS. Nothing like my best Strava pace (6.46min/mile in 2020) but a good blast nevertheless..
On the way back we stopped at the excellent Old Crown in Heskett Newmarket, for a warm up by the fire and a quality check of their splendid ales brewed behind the pub.

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