talloplanic views

By Arell

In a dog's life

After working an hour extra today I didn't have any enthusiasm to go out adventuring anywhere, and it was much too cold anyway.

A quick tea followed and then I spent some time trying to get my Cardo intercom on my motorbike helmet to co-operate and play the mp3s on my phone but I had even less luck than the last time I tried.

The doorbell went and it was my brother stopping by to say hello while dog walking, so they both came in and the nephdog, who is full of beans, immediately took a liking to the magic catnip banana. Goodness knows what it smells of but he could hardly get enough. Eventually he settled down, albeit with much stern encouragement, but not before looking lovingly at my brother.

In the dog days
People look to Sirius
Dogs cry for the moon
But the answers are mysterious.

In a dog's brain
A constant buzz of low-level static
One sniff at the hydrant
And the answer is automatic.

There was just time afterwards for a long hot shower and some evening relaxing.

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