Adam's Images

By ajt

Copper corrugations

Can you guess what today's blip is? I didn't have my camera with me so it's only a phone blip, but the light was very pretty and this object picked it up really well so I still took a picture of it. I've cropped it to make it appear a bit more abstract, but otherwise it's as-is.

It does look rather corrugated, which isn't a red herring, but the colour is as the setting sun has distorted the colours and it's not this colour at all.

A good day on the IT front, I've finished the final Mac Mini, and all three are now running Linux like little champs. I tried to connect to the groups little network drive as per the Synology instructions, but that caused the unit to lock up and vanish from the network - which isn't so good. I've no idea what happened but it shouldn't have done that...

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