I had my Blip sorted quite early today. This beautiful Bengal cat was out enjoying the morning sun and sniffing the foliage of the Buddleia which grows on next door but one's roof. I decided to take a few photos of him (Or her...). There's another Bengal next door but one the other side, named Jack - his fur is slightly lighter in colour and like Minstrel, he's a house-cat.
This cat looks like a sinewy athlete rather than a floofball like Minstrel. They're definitely different breeds!
Otherwise today I have managed to lose a very important email. I can't have accidentally deleted it - if I had it would be in my trash folder and it isn't, so I have no idea where it could have gone....
I have made some Millionaire's shortbread too. We have it on the Van sometimes and I love it! I'm hoping mine will be the same as that one and not overly sweet like one that is sold by a bakery in town...
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